TOPA would drastically raise rent on tenants. Tell city council members to vote NO on TOPA.

  1. They say TOPA would help tenants but that is not true — TOPA would allow a 50% rent increase on tenants in just 5 years. A tenant paying $1,000 rent/month would pay approximately $1,539 rent/month five years later. (Click here for details and here for the full legislation)

  2. TOPA would cause tenants to lose eviction protections.

  3. TOPA would dictate WHO residents can sell their OWN homes to, WHEN, and HOW.

  4. TOPA would hurt working class, immigrants and minority residents by removing a primary pathway out of poverty through hard work.

  5. TOPA has not been effective in Washington DC for 40+ years. It has not spread widely across the country because there are many grave issues with it. Washington DC in fact is unwinding TOPA by removing properties from TOPA restrictions and defunding it.

  6. TOPA would divert millions to unaccountable developers and strip funding from effective affordable housing programs meant to help tenants. Low-income tenants need direct rental assistance. Tenants seeking homeownership need downpayment assistance to purchase.

Tenants looking to buy homes deserve TRUE homeownership

Demand that affordable housing money go DIRECTLY to tenants, NOT to middlemen or the TOPA bureaucracy. Ask for financial assistance to tenants without strings attached or TOPA’s Forced Deed Restrictions.

The Deed Restrictions would limit ownership rights and prevent tenant buyers from building equity through hard work so they can lift their families out of poverty. Tenant buyers need equal opportunity and access to true homeownership like everyone else. TOPA Deed Restrictions would segregate and force tenant buyers to be part of a Permanent Underclass. TRUE opportunities for tenants, NOT restrictions!

TOPA would harm tenants - follow the money


Let city council members know you strongly oppose TOPA and its many harmful effects.